Sharing Waters: St. Lawrence-Great Lakes – A Special Issue of Québec Studies

Joy Parr shares this with us:
Québec Studies 42
Fall 2006/Winter 2007

Sharing Waters: St. Lawrence-Great Lakes
A special issue coordinated by Vincent Desroches and Sylvie Paquerot

Vincent Desroches and Sylvie Paquerot Sharing the Waters: The challenges of Understanding the Other

Madeleine Cantin-Cumyn Legal Status of Water in Quebec

Nicolas Milot and Laurent Lepage The Integrated Management of the St. Lawrence River

Brian Slack and Claude Comtois Short Sea Shipping: The Need for a Realistic Assessment

Sébastien Blouin et Frédéric Lasserre Eau potable au Québec dans la vallée du Saint-Laurent: les impacts des changements climatiques

Alexandre Brun Gestion de l’eau au Québec: quand la politique de l’eau et politique agricole se conjuguent à l’imparfait

Jean-François Bibeault and Christiane Hudon Water Availability: An Overview of Issues and Future Challenges for the St. Lawrence River

Patrick Forrest The Legal Geography of Water Exports: A Case Study of the Transboundary Municipal Water Supplies between Stanstead (Québec) and Derby Line (Vermont)

Sylvie Paquerot The Challenges of Legitimate Governance of the Great Lakes and of the St. Lawrence: Between Ecosystem Considerations, Diversity, and Fragmentation

Amy Lovecraft Bridging the Biophysical and Social