Vol. 3, No. 12, December 2007 issue of the “Solidarity, Sustainability, and Non-Violence

The Vol. 3, No. 12, December 2007 issue of the “Solidarity, Sustainability, and Non-Violence (SSNV) Research Newsletter” has been posted.  The theme this month is:

“Review of the 2007 State of the Future Report”

1. The UN Millennium Development Goals
2. The WFUNA Millennium Project
3. State of the Future & Global Challenges
4. State of the Future Index
5. Education and Learning 2030
6. Environmental Security Issues
7. The Future Started Yesterday
8. Prayer, Study, and Action
9. Links to Archived Newsletters

“Socioeconomic Democracy and Sustainable Development”
by Robley E. George, Director, Center for the Study of Democratic Societies

In January 2008, the SSNV Newsletter will start a new series on “Incentives for Solidarity & Sustainability.” Please forward this notice to friends and colleagues who might be interested in the global transition to a new culture.


Luis T. Gutierrez, PhD, PE
The Pelican Web ~ http://pelicanweb.org/ SSNV Newsletter ~ http://pelicanweb.org/solisust.html
Email: pelican@pelicanweb.org