The Envirotech meeting at the ASEH conference in Boise will be a ninety-minute lunch meeting rather than a breakfast meeting. (The conference organizers wanted groups to have time for more substantial discussion than usual.) So the plan is to have a topic, maybe even a specific set of questions, ready for people to discuss over lunch.
But what topic? In the program, we indicate that the discussion would be on issues associated with using an “envirotech” approach to teaching and research. So we now have to narrow that topic to a more specific discussion question—and we welcome ideas. Please add a comment or suggestion below as to what you think might be useful/possible to discuss over lunch. A main goal, of course, is to facilitate conversation/discussion at the lunch meeting.
This request is, in part, a test of this website’s ability to receive comments on various news items, so please try adding a comment. And if you are planning to attend, don’t forget to register for the conference and to sign up for the Envirotech lunch on the registration form. (The early registration deadline is Feb. 15.) We’re looking forward to seeing you in Boise.
Hugh Gorman and Ann Greene