2010 ICOHTEC Prize for Young Scholars

The ICOHTEC-Prize is sponsored by the Juanelo Turriano Foundation and consists of 3,000 Euro. ICOHTEC, the International Committee for the History of Technology, is interested in the history of technology focusing on technological development as well as its relationship to science, society, economy, culture and the environment. The history of technology covers all periods of human history and all populated areas. There is no limitation as to theoretical or methodological approaches.

Eligible for the prize are original works in any of the official ICOHTEC languages (English, French, German, Russian or Spanish) in the history of technology (published or unpublished Ph.D. theses or other monographs — no articles or edited anthologies) written by scholars who, when applying for the prize, are not older than 37 years of age.

For the ICOHTEC Prize 2010, please send a copy of the work you wish to be con­sidered for the prize plus a 4500-word English summary of that work to each of the three Prize Committee members.  Your submissions must be postmarked not later than by 22 January 2010.

If the work is a PhD thesis, it should have been accepted by your university in 2008 or 2009; if it is a published work, the year of publication should be 2008 or 2009. The submission should be accompanied by a CV and, if applicable, a list of publications. Applicants are free to add references or reviews on the work submitted. Send a complete application by regular mail services (not electronically) to each of the following Prize Committee members:

Thomas Kaiserfeld, Prize Committee Chairperson (Email: thomas@kth.se)
Department of History of Science and Technology
Royal Institute of Technology
S-100 44 Stockholm

Rebecca Herzig (Email: rherzig@bates.edu)
Program in Women and Gender Studies
209 Pettengill Hall
Bates College
Lewiston ME 04240

Dick van Lente (Email: vanlente@fhk.eur.nl)
Prinses Margrietlaan 7
3051 AM Rotterdam
The Netherlands