New book: America’s Forested Wetlands

A new book from envirotechie Jeffrey K. Stine: America’s Forested Wetlands: From Wasteland to Valued Resource

From the darkest, most forbidding swamp to the smallest soggy bog at the side of a housing development, wetlands provide invaluable ecological services to life on earth. Yet, prior to the 1930s, few people worried about the mounting loss of these essential landscapes.

America’s Forested Wetlands chronicles the history of American attitudes and actions toward the ambiguous transitional areas between dry land and open water. From the clear-cutting of cypress swamps and the wholesale filling and draining of marshes and bottomlands to the growing recognition of how these lands contribute to flood control, water quality, and biological diversity and on to today’s energetic political debates over “no net loss” policies designed to protect, enhance, restore, or recreate wetlands, the story involves increasing human understanding and appreciation of an important but limited resource.

America’s Forest Wetlands addresses one of the most persistent and contentious issues in natural resources management and offers an essential primer for landowners, teachers, students, journalists, and government decision makers and advisors.

To order, contact the Forest History Society at 919/682-9319, or order online at

New database: Documenting Louisiana Sugar

Nina Lerman sent us a notice about a new database of potential interest to envirotechies: Documenting Louisiana Sugar 1845-1917 at

“Documenting Louisiana Sugar provides historians and social scientists with an innovative tool for examining plantation economy and agrarian society in the American South. Utilizing exceptionally detailed annual crop returns and additional census records, Documenting Louisiana Sugar makes available two fully searchable databases that allow users to examine in micro and macro detail the evolution of one of America’s definitive plantation crops, namely cane sugar. These are available at the Download Center on this website.

For over seventy years, agrarian economists in Louisiana diligently recorded economic and production data on each sugar producing estate. These remarkable records provide an unbroken time series of data; indeed, no other plantation crop in the American South was so meticulously recorded for such a long period of time as was Louisiana sugar. This project makes these sources available for rigorous analysis and provides users with the query functions capable of tracing people and plantations through time. It enables users to study the economic performance of an entire industry, to consider business consolidation, capital acquisition, technology transfer, and the shifting dynamics of plantation land use. The built in search functions enable researchers to limit or expand their enquiries by year, parish, crop output, technology, and even gender. Users can track persistence and change among the plantation elite, trace landholding and economic performance among both large and small cane farmers, examine the effect of the American Civil War, and assess the transition from slave to free labor on Louisiana’s plantation economy. And for those interested in the late nineteenth century, the databases track the rise and fall of American sugar during U.S. imperial expansion.

Former slave and abolitionist Frederick Douglass described Louisiana’s sugar country as a “life of living death.” These databases do not tell the story of the hundreds of thousands of men and women who labored in the cane fields through the nineteenth century, but they tell the story of an industry where the exploitation of land, capital, and labor was central to business success.

Funding for this project was made available by research project grants awarded by The Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom, The Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada, and by the University of Sussex and the University of Toronto. Many of the images on the website are used with the permission of Shadows-on-the-Teche, a National Trust Historic Site, New Iberia, Louisiana.”

Hal Rothman Research Fellowship from ASEH

The Hal Rothman Research Fellowship was created to recognize graduate student achievements in environmental history research in honor of Hal Rothman, recipient of ASEH’s Distinguished Service award in 2006 and editor of Environmental History for many years. The fellowship provides a single payment of $1,000 for PhD graduate student research and travel in the field of environmental history, without geographical restriction. The funds must be used to support archival or other relevant project research and travel during 2009.

Students enrolled in any PhD program worldwide are eligible to apply. Applications will be accepted June 1 – September 30, 2008, and the recipient will be selected and notified in December 2008, for funding in January 2009. To apply, please submit the following three items:

1. A two-page statement (500 words) explaining your project and how you intend to use the research funds.
2. A c.v.
3. A letter of recommendation from your graduate advisor.

All items must be submitted electronically to Dolly Jorgensen, chair of the committee, by September 30, 2008 at

Envirotech Prize for Best Article on the Inter­play between Technology and the Environment

Envirotech, a dynamic young interest group within the Society for the History of Technology and the American Society for Environmental History, invites nominations for the Envirotech Prize for Best Article on the Inter­play between Technology and the Environment from the past three years.  The Envirotech Prize recognizes the best essay, including both journal articles and book chapters, on the relationship between technology and the environment in history.  To be eligible the essay must be published between January 1, 2006, and June 1, 2008.  The prize committee is particularly seeking innovative publications that explore new ways of thinking about the interplay between technological systems and the natural environment.  Articles in any language are welcome, but applicants will need to provide a translation of non-English articles.  More junior scholars are especially encouraged to submit their publications.

The Envirotech Prize carries a cash award of $250 and will be conferred at the conference of the Society for the History of Technology in Lisbon, Portugal, October 11-14, 2008.  The deadline for submissions is June 1, 2008.  Self-nomination is encouraged.

Please send one copy of your article and a brief curriculum vitae to each of the committee members via either post or e-mail:

Timothy J. LeCain
Asst. Professor of History
Department of History & Philosophy
Montana State University
Bozeman, MT 59718

Dolly Jorgensen
Post-doctoral researcher
Department of Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture
NTNU – Dragvoll
7491 Trondheim

Martha B. Lance, Ph.D
History Department
Plattsburgh State University
101 Broad Street
Plattsburgh, NY 12901

In Search of an Envirotech Lunch Topic

The Envirotech meeting at the ASEH conference in Boise will be a ninety-minute lunch meeting rather than a breakfast meeting. (The conference organizers wanted groups to have time for more substantial discussion than usual.) So the plan is to have a topic, maybe even a specific set of questions, ready for people to discuss over lunch.

But what topic? In the program, we indicate that the discussion would be on issues associated with using an “envirotech” approach to teaching and research. So we now have to narrow that topic to a more specific discussion question—and we welcome ideas. Please add a comment or suggestion below as to what you think might be useful/possible to discuss over lunch. A main goal, of course, is to facilitate conversation/discussion at the lunch meeting.

This request is, in part, a test of this website’s ability to receive comments on various news items, so please try adding a comment. And if you are planning to attend, don’t forget to register for the conference and to sign up for the Envirotech lunch on the registration form. (The early registration deadline is Feb. 15.) We’re looking forward to seeing you in Boise.

Hugh Gorman and Ann Greene

Sixth International Conference on the History of Transport, Traffic and Mobility (T2M)

Sixth International Conference on the History of Transport, Traffic and Mobility (T2M)

Ottawa, Canada
September 18-21, 2008

Mobility and the Environment

The International Association for the History of Transport, Traffic and Mobility (T2M) invites proposals for papers to be presented at its Sixth International Conference to be held in Ottawa, Canada from September 18th through the 21st, 2008.

Papers may address any aspect of the social, cultural, economic, technological, ecological and political history of transport, traffic and mobility. However, special consideration will be given to proposals related to the conference theme: Mobility and the Environment. The language of the conference is English.

Hosted by the Canada Science and Technology Museum, the 2008 conference coincides with a period of growing concern about the problematic relationship between the human desire and need for greater mobility, and the environmental consequences and challenges of this demand. Historical perspectives on this relationship offer the promise of greater clarity and understanding. To this end, we encourage proposals that explore all aspects of the issue across the full spectrum of modalities, systems, political contexts and environments. In addition, the conference theme is also intended to embrace philosophical, technical and cultural perspectives on the history of overcoming, or adapting to, the challenges of geography and climate. With respect to all of the above, the conference will also provide an opportunity to consider how important insights and ideas arising from historical research on the environment, and on issues of mobility in general, can best be shared with an interested general public.

Notwithstanding T2M’s natural affinity for the historical view, interdisciplinary approaches are greatly encouraged. Relevant proposals from the fields of geography, philosophy, cultural studies, sociology, ecology, anthropology, archaeology, engineering and others are most welcome. The participation of young scholars and doctoral students is especially desirable. T2M also invites professionals working in the areas of mobility or environmental policy and planning to contribute. Participants are encouraged, though not required, to organize and to propose panels on specific issues or ideas. As a rule, a panel should consist of a chair, a commentator and normally up to three speakers. Session proposals will also be considered.

The deadline for abstracts and a one-page CV (English only) is the 1st of March, 2008: maximum of one page for all individual papers or panel presentations, or one page per presentation within a session proposal. Session proposals should also include a one-page overview of the session. Please send proposals to:

Submitters will be notified by the programme committee during the first week of April, 2008 on the success
or status of their submission. The full paper of all accepted submissions must be delivered on or before August 1st, 2008. These will be copied onto a conference CD-ROM for distribution in advance to all conference participants. Individual presentations at the conference are therefore to be limited to a fifteen-minute summary to allow for debate and discussion within the session. Registration information and deadlines will be provided during the month of March.

For information about T2M and previous conferences, please visit our website at:
More information on the Ottawa conference will be posted at in due course.

Garth Wilson, Programme Committee Chair, T2M 2008

Jacques Loeb Centre for the History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences

Dear Colleague,

The new Jacques Loeb Centre for the History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences at Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel, supports advanced research covering all relevant topics related to the life sciences. The Centre is named after German-American physiologist Jacques Loeb (1859-1924), one of the legendary experimentalists and seminal thinkers in the history of biology. His passionate promotion of biology as an exact experimental science and his opposition to vitalistic concepts prevalent at the time had a major impact on the development of the life sciences, where he strongly influenced the work of Otto Warburg, Thomas Hunt Morgan, Hermann Muller, and Herbert S. Jennings, among others. Loeb took a deep interest in philosophical and political issues and was in contact with major figures of science, philosophy, and history, among them Svante Arrhenius, Albert Einstein, Ernst Mach, Leonor Michaelis, Wilhelm Ostwald and George Sarton.

The Jacques Loeb Centre is engaged in pursuing a wide range of investigations into the modern experimental life sciences. Research topics include: analysis of scientific progress and research practices involved; metaphysics in science and ethics of research; the influence of politics and various ideologies on the conduct of science; industrial hygiene and the environment; and the nature of the connections between bio-scientists and industry.

The Centre organises annual workshops and guest lectures. The inaugural workshop, “Philosophies in Biology”, on the role that different philosophical concepts have played in the development of the modern life sciences, will take place on 4-5 March 2008.

The Centre is headed by Ute Deichmann (director) and Anthony S. Travis (deputy director).

The Centre offers post-doctoral and graduate fellowships in the history and philosophy of modern biological, biochemical and medical sciences, commencing during 2008. Posts will be allocated for one or two semesters. There are opportunities for collaboration with faculty in the departments of philosophy, medicine and philosophy, with other divisions at the university, and active participation in seminars.

Applications are invited from recently qualified PhDs wishing to undertaking further research and from graduate students in the final stages of completion of their doctoral theses.

Applicants should provide the following (in English): CV, research proposal, two letters of reference, evidence of research and writing proficiency, either the sample chapter of a PhD thesis or publication(s).

In cases of languages other than English, please contact the Jacques Loeb Centre.

Applications for the academic year 2008/2009 should be received by 1 March 2008.

Address and email:

Jacques Loeb Centre for the History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences
Department of Philosophy
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
P.O.B. 653
Beer-Sheva 84105

Vol. 4, No. 1, January 2008 issue of the Solidarity, Sustainability, and Non-Violence (SSNV) Research Newsletter

The Vol. 4, No. 1, January 2008 issue of the Solidarity, Sustainability, and Non-Violence (SSNV) Research Newsletter has been posted.  The theme this month is: “Religious Dimension of Sustainable Development.”

The link is:

The summary (abstract) is pasted below.  I would be grateful for any feedback (positive/negative/in-between). Please let me hear from you.

With best wishes for a good 2008,

The theme of the month is “religious dimension of sustainable development.” There is a religious dimension to the United Nations’ “Millennium Development Goals” (MDGs), and there is a religious dimension to human nature and everything we do. Religion is both indispensable and dangerous. It is indispensable to attain full human development beyond the physical, biological, and intellectual levels. It is dangerous when it degenerates into fanatical delusions about the absolute superiority of any particular religion, and then leads to religious intolerance and religious violence.

Many consider religion to be a controversial topic. But, after millennia of misconceptions about religion, we now have scientific evidence (initially via the Swiss Psychiatrist Carl Jung) that religion is essential for human beings to become fully human. This being the case, our 2007 analyses of the MDGs is incomplete as long as some insight of the religious influences on the implementation of the MDGs is not provided. A difficult subject, but it cannot be avoided.

In particular, religion is often an incentive (positive or negative) for the transition from patriarchy to solidarity, sustainability, and human development. Granted that financial gain (or loss) will probably remain as the key incentive for people to change behavior during our lifetime, futures research entails considering all conceivable possibilities. For instance, Abraham Lincoln once stated: “When I do good, I feel good; when I do bad, I feel bad. That’s my religion.” Lincoln’s “religion” many not qualify as religion in some quarters, but it points to the fact that, deep in the human psyche, there is the voice of conscience; the voice of God who abides in us but is bigger than us.

After a brief summary of the MDGs (or “MDGs+1” when religious development is considered), evidence is presented that a cultural transition is needed to support both social justice and environmental justice at all levels. This cultural transition will entail changes in human behavior that often cannot be accomplished even when there are financial incentives. Indeed, it is hard to imagine any such transition happening without incentives that are stronger than financial gain and/or resources for domination. Since the power of religion as incentive for changing human behavior (for good or bad) is pervasive, it seems reasonable to research this angle next. This religious dimension has not been absent from any of the previous issues of this newsletter, but now it will become central.

Incentives from a religious perspective are discussed for overcoming patriarchy and fostering social solidarity, environmental sustainability, and human development. In considering this material, it is essential to distinguish between “religion” and “religious institutions.” Authentic religion is the expression of our relationship with God, and it is “good, good, good.” Institutionalized religion can be “good, bad, or some mix of good and bad.” Some specific religious institutions are mentioned. The intent is never to deny the significant amount of good done by those institutions. However, nothing human is above criticism. Religious institutions often need reformations, just like all other human institutions often need reformations. Some religious persons may feel uncomfortable. As always, we shall adhere to the principle of analysis based on objective evidence. Updates of the SSNV-MDG knowledge taxonomy and links database continue as time permits.

The current version shows the links sorted by mega-disciplines, and within each mega-discipline by MDGs. This is “work in progress” but you are cordially invited to take a look at this resource and download it (free) for your own use (two options: HTML Web Page or EXCEL Spreadsheet).

This month’s invited paper is “Two Wings of a Bird: The Equality of Women and Men,” a reflection by the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of the United States, published in 1997. The Baha’i religious tradition emerged in Persia (now Iran) in the 18th century. It is the first major religious movement that explicitly includes gender equality as a core belief.

Vol. 3, No. 12, December 2007 issue of the “Solidarity, Sustainability, and Non-Violence

The Vol. 3, No. 12, December 2007 issue of the “Solidarity, Sustainability, and Non-Violence (SSNV) Research Newsletter” has been posted.  The theme this month is:

“Review of the 2007 State of the Future Report”

1. The UN Millennium Development Goals
2. The WFUNA Millennium Project
3. State of the Future & Global Challenges
4. State of the Future Index
5. Education and Learning 2030
6. Environmental Security Issues
7. The Future Started Yesterday
8. Prayer, Study, and Action
9. Links to Archived Newsletters

“Socioeconomic Democracy and Sustainable Development”
by Robley E. George, Director, Center for the Study of Democratic Societies

In January 2008, the SSNV Newsletter will start a new series on “Incentives for Solidarity & Sustainability.” Please forward this notice to friends and colleagues who might be interested in the global transition to a new culture.


Luis T. Gutierrez, PhD, PE
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