New book: America’s Forested Wetlands

A new book from envirotechie Jeffrey K. Stine: America’s Forested Wetlands: From Wasteland to Valued Resource

From the darkest, most forbidding swamp to the smallest soggy bog at the side of a housing development, wetlands provide invaluable ecological services to life on earth. Yet, prior to the 1930s, few people worried about the mounting loss of these essential landscapes.

America’s Forested Wetlands chronicles the history of American attitudes and actions toward the ambiguous transitional areas between dry land and open water. From the clear-cutting of cypress swamps and the wholesale filling and draining of marshes and bottomlands to the growing recognition of how these lands contribute to flood control, water quality, and biological diversity and on to today’s energetic political debates over “no net loss” policies designed to protect, enhance, restore, or recreate wetlands, the story involves increasing human understanding and appreciation of an important but limited resource.

America’s Forest Wetlands addresses one of the most persistent and contentious issues in natural resources management and offers an essential primer for landowners, teachers, students, journalists, and government decision makers and advisors.

To order, contact the Forest History Society at 919/682-9319, or order online at

Sharing Waters: St. Lawrence-Great Lakes – A Special Issue of Québec Studies

Joy Parr shares this with us:
Québec Studies 42
Fall 2006/Winter 2007

Sharing Waters: St. Lawrence-Great Lakes
A special issue coordinated by Vincent Desroches and Sylvie Paquerot

Vincent Desroches and Sylvie Paquerot Sharing the Waters: The challenges of Understanding the Other

Madeleine Cantin-Cumyn Legal Status of Water in Quebec

Nicolas Milot and Laurent Lepage The Integrated Management of the St. Lawrence River

Brian Slack and Claude Comtois Short Sea Shipping: The Need for a Realistic Assessment

Sébastien Blouin et Frédéric Lasserre Eau potable au Québec dans la vallée du Saint-Laurent: les impacts des changements climatiques

Alexandre Brun Gestion de l’eau au Québec: quand la politique de l’eau et politique agricole se conjuguent à l’imparfait

Jean-François Bibeault and Christiane Hudon Water Availability: An Overview of Issues and Future Challenges for the St. Lawrence River

Patrick Forrest The Legal Geography of Water Exports: A Case Study of the Transboundary Municipal Water Supplies between Stanstead (Québec) and Derby Line (Vermont)

Sylvie Paquerot The Challenges of Legitimate Governance of the Great Lakes and of the St. Lawrence: Between Ecosystem Considerations, Diversity, and Fragmentation

Amy Lovecraft Bridging the Biophysical and Social

A Call for Manuscripts: The University of Akron Press Series on Technology and the Environment

The University of Akron Press Series on Technology and the Environment, edited by Stephen H. Cutcliffe seeks manuscripts that focus on the intersection of environmental history and the history of technology. Members of the special interest group, Envirotech, are particularly encouraged to submit their ms. or contact the Editor with questions.

Previously published volumes in the series include:

Jeffrey Stine, Mixing the Waters: Environment, Politics, and the Building of the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway

James Rodger Fleming and Henry A. Gemery, eds., Science, Technology, and the Environment: Multidisciplinary Perspectives

Joel A. Tarr, The Search for the Ultimate Sink: Urban Pollution in Historical Perspective

James C. Williams, Energy and the Making of Modern California

Dale H. Porter, The Thames Embankment: Environment, Technology, and Society in Victorian London

William McGucken, Lake Erie Rehabilitated: Controlling Cultural Eutrophication, 1960s-1990s

Hugh S. Gorman, Redefining Efficiency: Pollution Concerns, Regulatory Mechanisms, and Technological Change in the U.S. Petroleum Industry

Jonathan Richmond, Transport of Delight: The Mythical Conception of Rail Transit in Los Angeles

Please contact the series editor:

Stephen Cutcliffe, STS Program, 327 Maginnes Hall, Lehigh University, 9 West Packer Ave., Bethlehem, PA 18015.

Phone 610-758-3350


Solidarity, Sustainability, and Non-Violence (SSNV) Research Newsletter: If not the MDGs, then what?

Is anyone here doing research, or working with, the United Nations’
Millennium Development Goals?


The Vol. 3, No. 11, November 2007 issue of the

Solidarity, Sustainability, and Non-Violence (SSNV) Research Newsletter

has been posted. The focus this month is the question:


Table of contents:

1. Global News & Emerging Issues
2. Negative Assessments of the MDGs
3. Positive Assessments of the MDGs
4. Balanced Assessment of the MDGs
5. If Not the MDGs, Then What?
6. Current Research on the MDGs
7. Web Resources & Links Database
8. Prayer, Study, and Action
9. Links to Archived Newsletters

Eco-Humanism and Popular System Dynamics as Preconditions for
Sustainable Development, by Leslaw Michnowski.

Please forward this notice to friends and colleagues who might be interested in the global transition to a new culture.


PS — Consider writing an article for the newsletter!

Luis T. Gutierrez, Ph.D., P.E.
The Pelican Web ~ SSNV Newsletter ~

Two new books edited by Tom Zeller

Thomas Zeller has co-edited with Christof Mauch two new books of interest for envirotechies:

  • The World beyond the Windshield: Roads and Landscapes in the United States and Europe (Ohio University Press, 2007). Click here for more details about the book from the publisher.
  • Rivers of History: Designing and Conceiving Waterways in Europe and North America (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, forthcoming 2008). Click here for more details about the book from the publisher.

Tom has previously edited two volumes on German environmental history:

How Green Were the Nazis?: Nature, Environment, and Nation in the Third Reich (Ecology & History) How Green Were the Nazis?: Nature, Environment, and Nation in the Third Reich (Ecology & History)

Germany's Nature: Cultural Landscapes And Environmental History Germany’s Nature: Cultural Landscapes And Environmental History

In addition, Tom published his dissertation in a revised English translation in early 2007:

Driving Germany: The Landscape of the German Autobahn, 1930-1970 (Studies in German History) Driving Germany: The Landscape of the German Autobahn, 1930-1970 (Studies in German History)